Coming Out of Depression

Many of us experience days when we feel 'blue'. Most of the time these feelings pass and we become our old selves again. For some people however feeling down can go on for an extended period of time. This is what we call depression. We are told that anything up to 20% of the population may be suffering from some kind of depression at any one time. Sadly, it appears to be more common in the developed world, and is on the increase amongst young people.
Types of Depression
Definitions of depression are not clear cut. Symptoms are similar between them and vary in intensity. Clinical depression is the most intractable form. Here there is no known cause for the depression. It appears to develop entirely from internal factors within the person.Reactive depression happens as a result of some kind of external factor. This is the type of depression a person may experience following a loss of some kind. There may also be anxiety. Depression can also be secondary to another condition such as alcoholism. With Seasonal Affective Disorder, the individual experiences the symptoms of depression at the same time of the year. This is usually accompanied by a strong desire to sleep more and an elevated appetite. There is some thought that a proportion of the population is vulnerable to lack of sunlight which affects their moods.
Symptoms of Depression
These can vary enormously in their severity. Very often, there are sleep disturbances. Early morning waking is common with an inability to go back to sleep. Sleep will be disturbed by pessimistic thoughts. Alternatively, the individual may sleep excessively. Appetite is often affected. Some may lose interest in food and lose weight, whilst others will comfort eat. Lack of enjoyment is apparent. There may be a loss of interest in previously satisfying activities.Pessimistic thinking is the norm and there may be feelings of shame, guilt, anger or resentment. Self-motivation is difficult and in some cases, there may be feelings of hopelessness. Self-evaluation is usually negative to some degree.
Causes of Depression
It appears that there is an increased susceptibility to depression where it exists in a parent. There is some thought therefore that a genetic predisposition may be involved in a percentage of cases. Sometimes the development of depression can be traced to childhood events such as deprivation, loss of a parent, discord between parents or being overprotected. Life events can also lead to depression. These can include bereavement, divorce, and loss of a job, marriage and childbirth. Depression can also occur as a result of physical illness such as multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, Alzheimer's, stroke and others.Hypnotherapy and Depression
Some forms of depression are not suitable for treatment with hypnotherapy. Unless the therapist has specialized training, clinical and severe depression will not be treated by a hypnotherapist. If you have one of these types of depression, you will be in the care of a psychiatrist. In other cases, your therapist will want permission from your doctor to treat you.Treatment will be based around your goals for therapy. If you have sleep difficulties, addressing these with hypnotherapy can contribute greatly to how you feel and the amount of energy you have during the day. Dealing with your negative perceptions of yourself is an important part of treatment. Letting go of bottled up feelings such as anger and resentment may also be important for you, as may reviewing a life event that triggered your depression. Treatment of depression with hypnotherapy is gentle and you will work with your therapist at a speed that is right for you.
You may yourself be suffering from depression or you may know someone who is. With the exception of those cases mentioned, hypnotherapy can be wonderfully helpful. If you have depression, it may well be worth discussing with your doctor whether this is a suitable treatment for you.
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