Physical Wellbeing...
Below are our articles on the subject of Physical Wellbeing. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Managing Pain With Hypnotherapy
This article describes the use of hypnotherapy in the management of chronic and acute pain once the source of the pain is known....

Preparing for Surgery
This article discusses the various stages pre- and post-operatively and how hypnotherapy can be used to facilitate preparation and recovery....

Taking Control of Migraines and Headaches
This article describes how hypnotherapy can be used to manage headaches and migraines including how pain management techniques can be taught....

The Mind/Body Connection
This article discusses how modern scientific research is beginning to ratify what various healing modalities have always known; that the mind and body work together as…...

Treating Bruxism With Hypnotherapy
This article details how bruxism can often be the result of ongoing stress or suppressed feelings and how hypnotherapy can be used to treat this distressing condition....

Treating Hypertension With Hypnotherapy
This article looks at the ways in which hypnotherapy can be used by those diagnosed with hypertension to make lifestyle changes and in many cases to reduce blood…...

Treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome
This article looks at the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, how hypnotherapy can help relieve the symptoms and is often the treatment of choice....

Treating Skin Conditions With Hypnotherapy
This article describes a number of common skin complaints, the link between the skin and the nervous system and how hypnotherapy can be used to treat these conditions....

Treating Tinnitus With Hypnotherapy
This article describes the nature of tinnitus and how hypnotherapy can be used to manage the symptoms and provide relief....

What is Psychoneuroimmunology?
This article describes the development of psychoneuroimmunology, its roots in ancient healing techniques and how imagery can be used to heal the body....