Health & Hypnotherapy...
Below are our articles on the subject of Health & Hypnotherapy. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Can Hypnosis Help with IVF Treatment
An article outlining the reported positive effects of hypnosis on IVF treatment in a 2004 study with balanced criticism of that study offered....

Hypnotherapy and Drug Addiction
This article looks at the nature of drug addiction and how hypnotherapy can be used as an adjunct to medical treatment in withdrawing from drugs....

Reducing Your Alcohol Consumption
The article outlines the reasons why people drink excessively and the effects it can have on wellbeing. It indictes how hypnotherapy can help as a treatment to reduce…...

Reducing Your Weight With Hypnotherapy
This article looks at some of the reasons why people overeat why diets generally don't work and how hypnotherapy can aid in establishing healthier eating habits....

Stop Smoking With Hypnotherapy
An article indicating that smoking is largely a habit formed around psychological associations and triggers, and how hypnotherapy aids in breaking these so that a…...