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Improve Your Self-Esteem

By: Catherine Chadwick - Updated: 11 Jul 2010 | comments*Discuss
Self-esteem Low Self-esteem Hypnosis

Most people feel that there is room to improve their self-esteem in some way. In fact, issues of self-esteem can be a very common reason to visit a hypnotherapist.

What Is Self-Esteem?
Self-esteem really means thinking well of yourself. People who like themselves are easy to be with. They are assertive and consider your feelings as much as their own. People who value themselves believe they are responsible for their lives. They do not blame outside circumstances but take steps to deal with their problems. They also look after themselves and take care of their bodies. People who like themselves are not blown off course by others' behaviour, nor do they feel the need to compete or 'keep up with the Jones's'. People with good self-esteem go for what they want and believe they can get it.

Origins of Low Self-Esteem
It is generally thought that we come into the world feeling good about ourselves. Watch a baby and you will see a being who expresses himself when he wants, in any way he wants. A baby cries when he needs something, and laughs when he is happy.

As time goes on, a child who is given unconditional love along with reasonable boundaries will grow into a teenager and adult with healthy self-respect. Many people however, are subjected to disapproval and judgmental attitudes from parents and/or teachers. It is these labels we are given by others whom we believe must know what they are talking and which we take on as being the truth about ourselves, that cause us problems. We then begin to live by these labels believing we can't do this and that, and shouldn't even attempt something else. Thus, many people live their lives at a level below that which they are capable of, or live with a great deal of anxiety and tension.

How Hypnotherapy Can Help
Hypnotherapy is ideally suited to helping you with issues of self-esteem. There may be incidents from your past that remain unresolved and are still impacting on your feelings about yourself. If this is the case, in hypnotherapy you can review these incidents with your adult resources in order to let go of any emotions that are still held in the body. Reviewing old incidents in this way can lead to new understandings which lay these ghosts to rest.

There are other techniques a hypnotherapist can use that enable you to give yourself the kind of support and encouragement you would have liked to have had. This is known as Inner Child work. Carried out in visualisation, you meet the younger you who didn't feel adequately supported so that you can listen to their concerns and fears and give them all the support they need. This is very powerful work and immensely healing.

In addition, hypnotherapy treatment will include many post-hypnostic suggestions designed to replace the negative programming by which you are living your life. You may be taught self-hypnosis so that you can continue to give yourself positive suggestions.

Your hypnotherapist will devise a treatment plan with you which may include some or all of the above. Rest assured, your hypnotherapist will work with you at a pace that suits you, and will not make you do anything you do not want to do.

As you work with the treatment programme, you will be gratified to see the changes in you. As you find yourself doing things you may have shied away from in the past, you will find yourself feeling happier and happier.

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