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Video: NLP-Changing Unwanted Behaviour

By: Clare Birtles - Updated: 20 Oct 2012 | comments*Discuss

Video Transcript

Hi I'm Jack Stewart from organisational healing on behalf of HypnosisExpert.co.uk I want to show you how I use Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) to help a client change some unwanted behaviour.

Ok Sam we were talking before about something you would like some help with, and it's about getting annoyed when you see clutter at home, which I should imagine, how many girls have you got?

Sam: Two girls

With two girls you must see that quite a bit?

Sam: Yes I do

So for no longer for you to get annoyed would be more useful for you.

Sam: Very much yes.

Fantastic, now this is a strange thing, believe it or not but behind every behaviour lays a positive intention, so there is you getting angry seeing all this clutter.

'It doesn't matter if Sam doubts the last statement her subconscious minds knows it's true.'

So the first thing you need to do is to get in touch with the part, is it annoyed that you get when you do this, so you are thinking of the context of clearing the clutter, strange thing again but I just want you to relax, close your eyes if you want to. I want you o go inside and ask will the part of me that gets annoyed pleased communicate with me know, and you will get either a feeling or a sound or a image or a combination, something will happen and when you have that just let me know.

Sam: I can feel my fingers,

You can feel your fingers so you know when you get that, the next thing is that you start to get angry, and clearly you would like to do something other then get angry.

Sam: Yes

So lets just give this ago you may not get a answer, you can do it regardless it just helps if we do this, now having made communication with the part I want you to then go inside and ask the part that makes you angry, what do you want by making me angry? What do you want from me by making me angry? And as before you will get a sound, image a thought or a word. It doesn't matter which.

Sam: Yes to sit down!

'For people new to therapy communicating with their subconscious mind is in itself a break threw.'

Great! So I know you are a creative person because I discovered that before when I was talking to you, so lets use your creative part to discover a alternative when you see the clutter, so go inside and ask your creative part to generate alternatives to getting angry when you see the clutter o.k.? So go inside and ask your creative part to communicate with you.

'We have creative parts, confident parts, tense parts, calm parts impatient parts'

Sam: My fingers again!

So what I am going to ask your creative part to do is ask for three alternative to do instead of you getting angry, o.k. So just go inside and do that.

Sam: Go for a walk and talk to my children.

Talk to your kids any other? No what about sit down?

Sam: That's the obvious one!

We said that before, so the last thing what I want you to do is say to the part that was making you angry, will you be responsible for making these new choices.

'Sam may choose one or all of them it doesn't matter the unwanted behaviour has now gone and in it's place there is something that Sam can use with out any internal conflict. '

Wonderful! So imagine now that you are going into your daughter's room and there is loads of clutter what is going to happen?

Sam: I'm going to sit down and not going to do it.


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