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Video: Theta Healing

By: Clare Birtles - Updated: 22 Oct 2012 | comments*Discuss

Video Transcript

Hi I'm Anne Stewart from organisational healing and behalf of HypnosisExpert.co.uk I am going to show you how theta healing can help someone with their health.

Hi Steven, have you got a few help problems or one health problem?

Steven: Yes I have had trouble with both my shoulders for years now.

Right can you look back on when that first happened?

Steven: I would say it started when I started a job when that I didn't like it was about 5 years ago now.

And what was the problem with the job that you didn't like?

Steven: Well recently I had come out of university and I ended up in a job just in a shop and it was something that I really didn't want to do but obviously needed to do it.

'We are all capable of being healed what gets in the way is our beliefs; Anne has to discover what the client believes about his condition before the haling takes place.'

Did you feel at that time that perhaps there was a weight on your shoulders?

Steven: Yes I would say that there was a weight on my shoulders.

So we are just going to test for that now, because that's what I felt that you where weighted down and you couldn't move really because you were stuck. What we can do first of all just to prove if you say yes,yes,yes your fingers should stay firmly together and we will do no,no,no and your fingers will break apart, most people test this way but it may be the other way around. So if you could just say for me yes,yes,yes.

Steven: yes, yes, yes

Ok, no,no,no

Steven: no,no,no

Ok so you see your fingers open, now if you just say to me now that…..

Steven: I felt trapped in that job.

Right o.k. and would you say that you still felt some of those feelings?

Steven: Yes I would say that some of them are still lingering.

So if you now put your hands onto mine now I'm going to ask permission to ask you first to go up to creator to change that because that is a belief that you have still got in some part of your body, maybe here that are holding you stiff and not being able to move forward and I'm going to change that belief for you.

Just take yourself to a nice place where you would like to relax, maybe by a stream somewhere that you feel comfortable and just bare with me for a few seconds…… o.k. what I want you to imagine now all that stiffness in your shoulders is turning into a beautiful blue mist and letting that just slip out of your body, feeling totally relaxed, feeling all that tension drain away, knowing that we have changed this belief now into a totally positive belief.

Now we are going to test now for that belief that we have changed, we are going to change that belief of being trapped into being physically free. Physically and mentally free is what I ask for. If I could just muscle test now with your permission and in your words so……

Steven: I feel physically and mentally free!

You certainly do, o.k. So how does that feel for you?

Steven: Good!

So you know that shoulder will start to heal off and it has made you now able to move forward which will be a lot better in your work and your career and I think there will be a difference in you within a few hours or a few days.

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